The Foreign Service Academy trains Foreign Service Officers, officials in the wider public service and officials from the region. The training by the Academy imparts a variety of skills to different cadres at various levels. During the current financial year, the Academy has offered the following training programmes:
I. Training for the Departmental Committee on Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations and the Departmental Committee on Diaspora and Migrant Workers.
The Departmental Committee on Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations and the Departmental Committee on Diaspora and Migrant Workers closely liaise and oversight the work of the Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs. It is, therefore, important that the Committees are properly briefed on the mandate and activities of the Ministry. Accordingly, and under the guidance of the Cabinet Secretary and the Principal Secretary, State Department for Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Service Academy organized a four day briefing session for the two committees at the Travelers Inn in Mombasa in July, 2023.
The briefing was also attended by Dr. Alfred Mutua who was at the time, the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs as well as Dr. Korir Sing’Oei, Principal Secretary of the State Department for Foreign Affairs.
The Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Dr. Alfred Mutua, the Principal Secretary of the State Department of Foreign Affairs Dr. Korir SingOei, and other senior officials from the Ministry with Members of the two Departmental Committees at the Travelers Inn in Mombasa during the opening of the training.
II. Training for Officers Selected to Serve in Kenya Missions Abroad
In preparation for the important role officers play in promoting and protecting Kenya’s interests abroad, the Academy has trained all officers posted to serve in Kenya’s Missions abroad. During the current year, the Academy has trained the following groups of officers:
1. Finance and Administrative Attaches
Following selection of 56 officers to serve in Kenya Missions abroad, as Financial and Administrative Attaches in 2023, the Academy conducted a 2 weeks training in 3 groups. The induction was conducted at the Foreign Service Academy’s premises at 316 Upper Hill Chambers from 7th to 18th August; 21st August to 1st September and 4th to 15th September, 2023.
Principal Secretary Roseline Njogu, DG, FSA, Amb. Kirimi Kaberia and part of Administrative and Financial Attaches posted to Kenya Missions abroad
2. Immigration Officers
Following the selection by the State Department for Immigration and Citizens Services of 27 officers to serve as Immigration Attaches in various Missions abroad, the Academy provided a 2 weeks training program for the officers from 27th September to 11th October, 2023. The focus of the training was basic diplomacy, Kenya’s strategic interests and how Kenya’s Missions abroad operate. The training took place at the Kenya School of Government, Lower Kabete, Nairobi.
DG, FSA, Amb. Kirimi Kaberia and Immigration Attaches posted to Kenya Missions abroad
3. Foreign Service Officers
The Foreign Service Academy conducted a two weeks’ pre-departure induction course for 30 Foreign Service officers posted abroad in 2023. This was followed by another two weeks training for 93 officers posted in 2024.
Amb. Yabesh Monari, DG, SFSA, and part of the posted officers to Kenya Missions abroad posing for a group photo to mark the closing ceremony of the induction training
4. Induction Training for Third Secretary Cadets
The Academy carried out a three months induction programme, for 123 Third Secretary Cadet officers recruited by the State Department of Foreign Affairs. The training was held at the Kenya School of Government, Nairobi in August, 2023. The Academy carried a second induction course for 23 newly recruited Third Secretary Cadets from 20th May to 16th August, 2024.
The training was facilitated by resource persons drawn from different institutions of government, the private sector and retired Ambassadors. This mix of facilitators made the training unique, worthwhile and comprehensive.
Third Secretary Cadets posing for photo during Graduation Ceremony held at Kenya School of Government, Nairobi
5.Training of Newly Appointed Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Consuls-General
Following the appointment by His Excellency the President of 41 Ambassadors and Consuls – General in December, 2023 the Foreign Service Academy organized a two weeks induction programme at the Thika Greens Golf Resort.
The Academy also conducted training of an additional 43 Ambassadors and Consuls – General appointed by His Excellency the President. The training was held at the KCB Leadership Centre, Karen in May 2024.
The Principal Secretary, Dr. Korir Sing’Oei posing for photo with the newly appointed envoys during the closing ceremony held at KCB Leadership School in Karen, Nairobi on 8th May, 2024
6. Training of Kenya Revenue Authority Officers posted to EAC Countries.
The Academy trained nineteen (19) Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officers selected to be deployed to serve in EAC Partner States and Border Stations, as customs officers. The training was held at the Kenya School of Revenue Administration (KSRA), situated in Westlands, Nairobi from 19th August to 6th September, 2024.
Ag. Director General, FSA Amb. Paul Ndung’u, issuing certificates to KRA officers at KESRA during the closing ceremony